Today, day 17, I played with randomness.
I wrote a phrase, 'The empty basket of wonder'. Then, I wrote lists, independently, of close rhymes for 'empty', 'basket' and 'wonder'. After that I ordered each list alphabetically.
Today's poem is a list of those phrases, with the first phrase being the 'control'.
I love interesting and unexpected results!
Random 17 wonders
The empty basket of wonder.
The angry anklet of blunder.
The bendy bandit of comfort.
The brandy banquet of drunkard.
The cranky biscuit of hunger.
The friendly blanket of jumper.
The handy classic of monster.
The manky credit of number.
The phlegmy dammit of puncture.
The plenty elastic of runner.
The randy facet of slumber.
The sandy gadget of songster.
The scanty hamlet of summer.
The swanky magnet of sunder.
The testy palette of thunder.
The trendy plastic of tumbler.
The twenty respite of under.
The zesty tablet of youngster.
Posted by Jennifer Liston