Apr '14 12

Today's poem is made up of titles of poetry books that I grabbed at random from my shelves. I didn't pay too much attention to the titles when I was choosing. I reordered the titles for the poem and added a few words.

What a small stack of books says

On a moon-spiced night
The shadow owner’s companion meets a
Goddess on the Mervue bus and insists on
The colour of saying
Where's Katie?
North she answers, then
Smoke encrypted whispers murmur
The circle game all
Along the line of our
Public dream
Thick and thin lines shape
Stepping stones through
Dark bright doors to
The simple truth:
The poem's heartbeat

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Robert says:

    *Haha, rescued from titles! Love it! :-)

  2. Mike H says:

    *Nicely done. Must have a go at one of those myself.

  3. Carolyn Cordon says:

    *What a great way to create a poem! I'm definitely considering trying this one, by me self and in my writing group! Thank you for passing on the idea - love your poem, by the way!

  4. Jen says:

    *Thanks Robert! Rescued and reordered! xoxo

  5. Jen says:

    *Thanks Mike. Amazing what comes out of some randomness! :-)

  6. Jen says:

    *Thank you Carolyn. Nice to see you here, and thank you for commenting. It's a nice idea and definitely not mine. The titles of books are so interesting and varied that they offer great 'fodder' for a poem. Might be good to take some prose titles. I've done this with poem titles before (last year). Jen

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