Apr '14 14

Cityscape. Photo by Robert Rath from over here at Robert's website.

It's day 14 and I'm running dry. Today's poem came from snippets of conversations and sad news reports.

Sad news days

We drain the dregs of imagination
from the base of a glass
our desperation rests in a stranger's arms
our tears are laced with traces of hope
but fear remains;
the ocean guards its secrets
while twinkling cities
tell tales of the vulnerable:
the elderly, forgotten, in nursing homes;
a young boy, starved for 14 days;
six babies, buried in cardboard boxes.

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Ray says:

    *Sad news days indeed - a friend's sister has just succumbed to cancer hours ago leaving a young family behind. With so much cruelty happening everywhere and anywhere, we should really count our blessings.

  2. Jen says:

    *I'm so sorry to hear that, Ray. You're right; it's important to be grateful for what we have because so many people are a whole lot worse off. xo

  3. Mike H says:

    *Some very nice lines there Jen. Especially strong first and last lines.

  4. Jen says:

    *Thanks Mike! :-)

  5. Robert says:

    *I once read some philosopher claiming that there is just the right amount of suffering in the world.

    ... that might be true until it is their turn.

    Thank you Jennifer for reminding us to be grateful for our mostly comfortable lives.

  6. Jen says:

    *Thanks Robert. It's hard to accept balance at someone's expense though. xoxo

  7. glen r says:

    *I get the feeling dry thing Jen. I was too, till I got started on one. I think it's still pretty strong for a dry day. I particularly like the weighty big news stories, summarised in a one pithy poetic phrase. Especially the M370 line. Nice. :-)

  8. Jen says:

    *Thank Glen!

  9. Russ says:

    *Pretty good for a 'running dry' poem! Beautiful companion piece to Robert's fantastic photo. As Mike said, great first & last lines.

  10. Jen says:

    *Thank you so much, Russ.

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