Apr '14

X. Photo by Robert Rath from Robert's website.
Today's poem is a playful use of another kind of language constraint: palindromes. These are words that read the same forwards and backwards but that also have the same meaning both ways. I collected a long list from here. Then I ordered them into what turned out to be a rather surreal yarn.
I couldn't find a photo of Robert's that had a palindromic title, so I chose one with a single-letter title. It turned out to be visually appropriate.
Yawn a more Roman way
Kay, a red nude, peeped under a yak.
Lid off a daffodil. Loops at a spool.
Marge, let's send a sadness telegram.
Ma is a madam, as I am.
Name now one man. No devil lived on.
Ma is as selfless as I am.
Tulsa night life: filth, gin, a slut.
Party boobytrap. Pull up if I pull up.
Live not on evil. Name not one man.
No trace, not one carton.
        Rats at a bar grab at a star.
        Was it a rat I saw?
        Star rats. Stack cats.
        Was it a cat I saw?
        Too bad I hid a boot.
Was it a bar or a bat I saw?
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Wonders in Italy, Latin is red now.
Tips spill, lips spit. UFO tofu.
Are we not drawn onward to new era?
Bombard a drab mob. Borrow or rob?
Cigar? Toss it in a can. It is so tragic.
Do nine men interpret? Nine men. I nod.
Cain: a maniac. Dammit, I’m mad.
Devil never even lived. Goddamn mad dog.
Red rum, sir, is murder. Wow.
Name no one man.
        Rats at a bar grab at a star.
        Was it a rat I saw?
        Star rats. Stack cats.
        Was it a cat I saw?
        Too bad I hid a boot.
Gate man sees name,
garage man sees name tag.
I did, did I? I’m a pup, am I?
God lived as a devil dog.
I’m a fool; aloof am I.
Won't I panic in a pit now?
Won't lovers revolt now?
Evil did I dwell, lewd I did live.
"Reviled did I live," said I, "as evil I did deliver!"
        Rats at a bar grab at a star.
        Was it a rat I saw?
        Star rats. Stack cats.
        Was it a cat I saw?
        Too bad I hid a boot.
        Rats at a bar grab at a star.
        Was it a rat I saw?
        Star rats. Stack cats.
        Was it a cat I saw?
        Too bad I hid a boot.
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