Apr '14

Tanunda Show Clowns. Photo by Robert Rath from Robert's website.
I've been writing a poem a day and publishing it here each April for the last few years. In 2012 I wrote a fun 'nonsense' poem called 'Washing the hog' which I had a lot of positive feedback for, so I thought it was time for another one.
Gobbling the gook
You bimp me glain an blup me guld
to nink el seet sotiros
I bimp de flayne, your gurpy trud
we ninkie vell de leerus.
        Let's hippna way me wanti cheer
        hipp no weemy thayring
        we'll fing de naypa ciggidy heer
        an you kin ripty claring.
An you kin vane de bibbly bung
an you kin stawn de neep-o
coz win you slean I run de ween
an wan to bing de kleap-o.
        Let's hippna way me wanti cheer
        hipp no weemy thayring
        we'll fing de naypa ciggidy heer
        an you kin ripty claring.
I capta loovie you.
You manka cooby me.
We fing de sakay noo
an ripty chaky vee.
        Let's hippna way me wanti cheer
        hipp no weemy thayring
        we'll fing de naypa ciggidy heer
        an you kin ripty claring.
        Let's hippna way me wanti cheer
        hipp no weemy thayring
        we'll fing de naypa ciggidy heer
        an you kin ripty claring.
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