Apr '14 3
And what does day three of poem-a-day month have in store? Another rough-as-guts poem, of course.

This circular six-syllable-line whimsy mixes down two of my favourite pastimes, drinking and music.

The session

…and here we are at the
first bar, our regular
beat semi-remembered,
"How's it going?" "Great form!"
we are sitting in lines;
we pause, uncertain, lean
for a rest then pick up
in the second and third
bars, smooth moves, graceful, we're
feeling playful, pacing
ourselves over the next
thirteen bars; round after
round, doubles, triples, our
signature, from time to
time we almost lose the
run of ourselves, fading,
falling; after a brief
rest in the last bar we
hear: time, gentlemen, please,
so DC al Coda…

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Mike says:

    *Nice playful piece Jen. Doubling up on the drinking and musical terms. I like it. Make mine a Jamesons.

  2. Jen says:

    *Thanks Mike! Think I need one too and it's only day three!

  3. Robert says:

    *DC al Coda indeed! I'm not even sure I'd have made it half way through that lot! :-)

  4. Jen says:

    *You're oviously not getting enough practice Robert! xoxo

  5. Ray says:

    *I think I get the gist of it but regrettably I have had no real life experience of it :-)

  6. Jen says:

    *Haha Ray, I'm sure we could change that, if you'd like! ;-) xo

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