Apr '13 8

I just read today that yesterday, 7 April, was William Wordsworth's birthday – he was born in 1770. He figured heavily in my introduction to poetry: my mother and I used to recite together 'Lucy Gray' and 'Daffodils' when I was about six or seven years old.

The two poems are very different: 'Lucy Gray' tells the story of a young child who goes missing in a snowstorm, while 'Daffodils' recounts the joy experienced by the poet when he comes across 'a host of golden daffodils' when he was out for a walk.

So I decided to shake up the text of these two poems and see what poem was waiting to be rescued. Here's the result, which is definitely influenced by how well I know the subject of both poems.

Happy birthday, William. Thank you for your poetry. I hope you're not turning in your grave at this.

She is all, and night is just

Sound never looks this lonesome.
She wandered, small,
overlooked, scarcely there.
She was inward, broken,
dancing vacant
on solitary wild.
Night was tossing
the wretched daffodils.
She danced, wanton,
chanced a glance
at lantern moon
shine sprightly golden
reached downwards beside
on milky snow.
She gazed wide at lonely heaven
and through sparkling
stars tracked waves of twinkle.
She danced, pensive,
yonder mother mountain
a steep, stormy rise homeward.
She danced, wept,
her footmarks lost,
never to be seen.

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Mike says:

    *I prefer it to Wordsworth. Lovely.

  2. Jen says:

    *...and just like that you've called me superior to my childhood idol. I'm going to need therapy!

    Seriously, thanks though!

  3. Robert says:

    *I agree with Mike, this poem is visually stunning!

  4. Jen says:

    *Thank you Robert! xo :-)

  5. Anonymous says:

    *Love it, Jen. Absolutely brilliant. Even the title is brilliant!

  6. Jen says:

    *Thanks so much, 'Anonymous'! ;-)

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