Apr '13 2
Today's poem - which I think has potential to be developed into a good piece - is inspired by one of my city loves, Sydney. I used to live in Sydney and I've just got back after spending four glorious days there.

Although I've called this 'Ode to Sydney' it does not have an ode's traditional rhyming scheme. Actually it has no (external) rhyming scheme at all, but it does praise Sydney. That's ode enough for me.

Ode to Sydney

You wear your days with panache
and your nights without care,
your harbour bling and city diamonds glitter,
your Opera House is pitch-perfect
while your gold-scarf beaches and ribbon-waterways glisten.
I beat your streets, loving every hot minute of your shimmering bitumen.
I breathe your air, loving every cool moment of your moon-dripped water.
I gaze at your nonchalant posture with a backdrop
of sapphire skies and clouds that change their names like underwear.
You seduce me and I leave,
jealous of every designer-shirted exec striding your streets,
jealous of every gym and drug junkie working your corners,
jealous of every angry cabbie and the silent, hunkered homeless,
jealous of every bored regular, of every wowed first-timer.

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Mike says:

    *Woo! Two top poems in a row. Love it.

  2. Robert says:

    *Oh this so makes be feel I was there too!

  3. Jen says:

    *Thanks so much Mike!

  4. Jen says:

    *Excellent news, Robert... 'cos you were (in my head) there! xo

  5. Russ says:

    *Some terrific lines there - "You wear your days with panache" - great start. And what you wrote resonated with me; ...the last 4 lines...

    "has potential to be developed into a good piece" It's good already. I'll take your word for it that it can be better.

  6. Marianne Musgrove says:

    *Ah, Sydney, my first love. I spent the first eighteen years of my life there. Your poem captures what I miss about my hometown: the zinging aliveness of the place. Now I'm feeling nostalgic (in a good way) :-)

  7. Jen says:

    *Aw thanks Russ. Really appreciate your feedback.

  8. Jen says:

    *Thanks Marianne, I hadn't realised you were from Sydney. Something magical about that there town, for sure. I'm glad to have made you positively nostalgic! :-)

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