Apr '12 16
So we are on day #16: starting the second half of National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo).

I wrote this poem outside my local post office; that's the way it happens sometimes, they just arrive at the strangest moments and expect you to have a pen and paper ready to oblige. And I did.

Like all my daily poems it stands quivering, awaiting your judgement.

Poem for nothing

In the story
of the here and now
here is now
and now is here;
in now and again,
is now
as is again;
in the here and there
is there,
and here
is there too;
in the story
of all or nothing
is all
and nothing
and all or nothing;
in the here and now
is all
is nothing
just a story.

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Mike says:

    *Hear, hear. Glad to hear we're over half way there, now, here. Well done.

  2. Jen says:

    *I hear you, again, and again, thank you! ;-)

  3. Beckie says:

    *So is it over here or there, or now or then? Lol. Love it!

  4. Jen says:

    *Hee hee hee Beckie, here, now, ALWAYS!

    Thank you! ;-) xoxo

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