Apr '12 14
This morning I was listening to a poetry podcast as I drove to a writing group meeting in the city. One of the presenters said something about imagining your house in a balloon (I can't remember the exact context now).

As soon as I came home I scribbled this poem. It could probably be extended, but this is it in its raw first draft.


A sugar pink balloon cocooned my house.
We took off at sunrise,
Dog looked up in surprise
for a moment from his bone,
wagged a question with his tail
as the ground beneath his paws and my feet
rocked gently;
I drank my tea
watched from my perch
on the yellow love seat
by the large bay window
as we floated over a waking city
drifted towards burnished hills;
bewildered swallows and seagulls
and a puzzled pelican flew by;
the earth receding
as higher and higher we soared
through silky clouds
into lilac heavens
coasting on unmarked currents
wafting through uncharted spaces.
I sipped my tea, grown colder in thinning air.
Other candy-colour-cocooned houses
bobbed into view,
we glided around each other
describing a complex dance
of polka-dots in space.
Then Dog licked my face, and I got up to let him out.

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Mike says:

    *I think this is my new favourite of all of your April ones. Love the line "coasting on unmarked currents". And you got it done early in the day! Envious.

  2. Jen says:

    *Aw thanks Mike, you've made my day now! And yes, I'm really glad to have it done a bit earlier than on other days. I can enjoy a BBQ and some red without the prospect of 'homework' later!

    Looking forward to reading yours! ;-)

  3. Beckie says:

    *Nice to be meeting the other people in houses in balloons in the sky. What a lovely thought...Up, up and away!

  4. Jen says:

    *Yes Beckie, I didn't know I was going to be part of a major sky-high balloon-house rendezvous until I got to that part of the poem! xo

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