Apr '12 4
My day four National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) poem is a haiku inspired by an ABC article about locusts.


Tired locusts on red earth,
hold breath to rest,
prepare to swarm.

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Mike says:

    *Nice one. So you've played your first haiku card! I propose we agree no more than one haiku per week. Waddya reckon?

    I've gone the other way today. A prose poem. At least I'm claiming its a prose poem, though in truth its more of a micro story. Will put it up later.

  2. Jen says:

    *Thank you.

    Hmmmm. About limiting haikus. I suppose. Although I think we should allow ourselves another one if we're really desperate!

    I'm looking forward to reading your piece.

    Just be aware: I'm not getting a notification now whenever you post a new one or a new comment because it seems you're including all the new ones in the original post, which I've already been notified about.

  3. Mike says:

    *Tongue in cheek. Have a haiku a day if you want. After all, I've resorted to prose for my day 4, which is pushing it (more than) a bit as well.

    Well I decided not to send an email every day. I thought people might get sick of it. I thought I'd just send an email ever 3 or so days, by adding a couple to an existing post. Waddya think?

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