Apr '13 11
The pinhole camera or camera obscura has been known to scholars since the time of Aristotle and Chinese philosopher Mozi (470 to 390 BCE). Mozi referred to the device as a 'collecting plate' or 'locked treasure room'. (Read more here.)

camera obscura

A vision:
rapidfire mind
clickety click click click click click
remembers ancient secrets
of a locked treasure room,
frames the answer
for public viewing.
Without strain
the honest among us
see truths;
without pride
the kind among us
capture the greatness
of small miracles;
without prejudice
the fair among us
correct distortions
and with each fine grain of good
our divine future tilts
towards a pinhole of light.

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Mike says:

    *That's another one worth keeping Jen. Inspiration from Robert?

  2. Jen says:

    *Thanks Mike. Actually no, it started off as a completely different thing and ended up here. I like those kind. :-)

  3. Marianne Musgrove says:

    *Fabulous ending, Jen! Although you finish with the pinhole of light, it's as if the poem continues on as the reader is drawn towards this light and it promise.

  4. Jen says:

    *Thank you Marianne. I love your insightful observation/analysis. xo

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