Apr '13 5
Today I was reading through contemporary conceptual poet Caroline Bergvall's 'Eclat'.

A statement from it hopped into my awareness and swung around the beams there:

'Where are you not who.'

No question mark.

No punctuation.

So of course I wrote a poem. When re-reading it, I realised that it touched on the idea that there is no trace of an author's self in conceptual writing – unlike more traditional poetry, where the self of the writer/poet/narrator is apparent.

éclat de conscience

where are you not who:
you might peek around the edge
of a deconstructed sentence
or curl up, contortioned,
in the shelf of an A,
drape yourself languidly
in delirious-sounding prose,
meander through memory-loss
in mis-spelt words,
imitate the yellow blob
that means something
(but not everything)
to someone.
wherever you are
you'll not discover
who I am

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Mike says:

    *But no matter how you try, I can hear your voice in the poem.

  2. Russ says:

    *So clever! Love the way you think. But Mike's right - didn't realise it till he said it, & maybe it's because I know you, but when I read this I heard your voice.

  3. Robert says:

    *It is so hard to un-know who you are but if I could (which I'd rather not) I'd be certain of where just as you describe. Wonderfully though provoking.

  4. Jen says:

    *That's interesting Mike...I wonder what of me you hear.

  5. Jen says:

    *Thank you Russ, and hmmmmm, now you and Mike have got me wondering....

  6. Jen says:

    *The un-know day would be a sad day, Robert. xoxo

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