Apr '13 4
Today's poem had an interesting birth. Earlier in the day I was reading 'The Ubuweb: Anthology of Conceptual Writing' . The article discusses the idea that conceptual poetry turns its back on traditional 'romantic' notions of poetry being a vehicle for emotional expression and instead, embraces procedure and logical process.

Later I was thinking about ideas for today's poem. I decided to go through my 'rescued' poem process (read more about that here) using the Ubuweb article about conceptual writing as my source text.

Here's the rather interesting result: a conceptual/constrained piece about itself.

art crossings

poetry experiments
misapplied language
the presented form
extraordinary writing abstractions,
which the story words,
string legible pleasures and
bleed verbal probabilities,
reengineering écriture possibilities;
a collection of cannot language
a recall to chance concept
vibrate structures
into sculpture:
the idea of
truth itself
in rigorous procedure
and derived into presence

Posted by Jennifer Liston

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  1. Robert says:

    *I love the way this contrived piece has created elements of truth about itself!

  2. Jen says:

    *Self-reflexive, I think they call it. Nothing like some blurry meta-poetics to fire the creative neurons! xo

  3. Mike says:

    *Full of bleeding verbal probabilities.
    I will try a rescued poem or two this month but sure they won't be up to your standard. Doesn't matter. "Quantity not quality".

  4. Jen says:

    *Bleedin' verbal probabilities all right! Would love to read a rescuee from you, Mike!

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